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FCC wins two contracts for pneumatic waste collection worth a total of 26 million euro


FCC wins two contracts for pneumatic waste collection worth a total of 26 million euro

  • In the environs of Zaragoza's AVE High-speed Rail Station
  • In Pamplona's historic quarter


The Pamplona Area Grouping of Municipalities and Zaragoza Alta Velocidad have awarded FCC contracts for pneumatic waste collection. FCC has been in charge of conventional waste collection continuously since 1940 in Zaragoza, and since 1985 in Pamplona.

In Pamplona, the 20-million-euro pneumatic waste collection system will be installed in the historic quarter.

Waste deposited in 54 collection points throughout the historic quarter will be transported pneumatically via a 5.5-kilometre network of pipes to a waste collection centre.

The collection points, each decorated with a different motif of old Pamplona, will have separate hatches for organic refuse, packaging, and paper and cardboard. The system will be designed for use by people with disabilities.

In Zaragoza, FCC will build a 5.8-million-euro solid waste collection system in the environs of the Delicias Transport Terminal. A new residential area is to be built in this central location under the official name of the Digital Mile.

The waste system is comprised of various collection points at convenient locations around the neighbourhood, with separate hatches for light packaging and other waste. It will have a network of more than seven kilometres of pneumatic pipes which will carry waste from the collection points to a central waste management plant.

The waste management plant, housing suction motors, hoppers, transfer station and control room, will be partially below grade and will be located northwest of the Delicias Station, between the train tracks and the AP-68 highway. Separate waste categories will be compacted and shipped to specific waste management plants. An additional forty-two collection points with underground hoppers will be built for waste cardboard and glass.

This waste collection system will provide residents in both cities with several advantages. It will minimise noise and smells since refuse will remain underground; it will reduce congestion by eliminating truck traffic between hatch locations; the waste collection points will be integrated into the surroundings; and the system is more hygienic for users.