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FCC Medio Ambiente adjudicataria de la gestión de la planta de clasificación de envases ligeros de Pinto (Madrid)


FCC Environment awarded the contract to manage the Pinto light-packaging waste sorting plant (Madrid)

FCC Medio Ambiente (the Spanish brand for FCC Environment) has been awarded the contract to manage the Pinto light-packaging waste sorting plant that belongs to Mancomunidad del Sur (Intermunicipal association of Southern Madrid region). For the contracted term of 5 years, this represents a backlog of €10.95 million.
FCC Environment awarded the contract to manage the Pinto light-packaging waste sorting plant (Madrid)

The facility treats a total of 23,000 tonnes per year of light-packaging selective waste on the  yellow bag, in order to recover the valuable resources in it contained.

It is one of the largest plants of its kind in Spain, serving a population of 1.7 million and employing 37 people.

The most significant features of the contract are the renovation of equipment, infrastructure improvements and a considerable increase in the amount of automation, due to the current decline of the plant. The company plans to invest €3.5 million in this refurbishment.

This facility was the first to be automated in the Madrid region and also to launch the packaging waste management system. Its implementation helped to set up this recycling management model along the rest of Spain.