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FCC transforms waste in Vizcaya into electricity


FCC transforms waste in Vizcaya into electricity

FCC has begun to operate a solid urban waste energy valuation plant in Bilbao. The project, promoted by the Zabalgarbi company, has involved the construction of an incinerating plant that will transform solid urban waste from towns in Vizcaya into electrical energy.

The installations will treat 35 percent of the waste produced in Vizcaya. Total investment in the plant amounts to 154 million Euro.

FCC will operate the installations on a 100% basis for a period of 25 years and this means a business portfolio of 538 million Euro for the company.

The plant has a yearly treatment capacity of 250,000 tonnes - 35% of the solid waste produced in Vizcaya will be treated - and is equipped to generate 760 million kilowatts/hour per year, amounting to 10% of the electricity consumed in Vizcaya and 30% of that used in homes and business premises.