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FCC holds an informative talk to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Day


FCC holds an informative talk to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Day

FCC holds an informative talk to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Each year, 19 October,  Breast Cancer Awareness Day serves as a reminder of society's commitment to the fight against this cause. Breast cancer is the most common tumour suffered by Western women. In Spain, around 33,307 new breast cancer diagnoses are made per year (Breast cancer data for Spain in 2019).

By commemorating this day, the aim is to raise awareness among society about the importance of the research and early diagnosis of this disease. FCC is committed to this type of initiative, and, therefore, has held an informative conference at its corporate headquarters in Las Tablas about this health issue that affects and conditions the lives of so many people. The talk was given by Dr. Miguel Martín Jiménez, Head of Oncology at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, the former president of SEOM (Spanish Society of Medical Oncology) and president of GEICAM (non-governmental organisation dedicated to the research, dissemination and education on breast cancer)

During the conference, the doctor reviewed the main aspects of the disease, what is it, how it occurs, how frequent it is, predisposing factors, age, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Interest was high among attendees, who filled the room and were able to participate with questions.

This action forms part of the FCC Live Healthy project, which aims to promote people's health and well-being, facilitating and making available different resources that contribute to it.